Saturday, November 27, 2010

Gender dhysphoria?

Gender dhysphoria is a term related to the Transgendered individuals who by all biological measures are either male or female, yet they feel themselves as the members of their opposite gender. They feel uncomfortable in their own identity. This is a rather rare condition which can not be explained by factors involving chromosomes, postnatal circulating, exposure, gender of rearing, genital variability, hormone levels, birth order, prenatal hormones or toxin or the presence or absence of same-sex siblings.
The possibility that the brains of transgendered individuals are uniquely different has often been put under question. Some differences between male and female brains have been reported several times in decades that identify the gender-based size variations among accurate “brain nuclei. ” by discoloration of examination specimen. According to one of the researches the nuclei of a transgendered male to female “(MFTS).”  are the size of a “genetic females”. Moreover, males suffering from prostate cancer are being treated via female hormones.
According to the author: “Gender dhysphoria is listed as a psychiatric condition in the psychiatric diagnostic coding manual DSM-IV I believe that the psychiatric manifestations are a reaction to the situation, not the underlying condition..” .A transgendered individual only requires a “psychopharmacologic medication. ”  if he hasn’t received a hormonal treatment  or surgery after his transgendering operation ,however this is not needed once he undergoes this therapy or surgery, this type of “psychotrophic” medication are time and again pointless.
Transgendered individual often recall memories of being trapped in the perimeters of a wrong soul. These patients usually involve the histories of having tried clothes of the opposite gender, having played with dolls in case of a boy or to have interest in cars and tools, incase of a girl, in their early childhood. However, they wholly concede their true gender identity at the age group ranging from mid-childhood to the prime of life. If this consciousness faces a delay, this is usually followed by fright of stigmatization or denunciation from the loved ones or the people at work.
Bulks of the individual who express recurring intention in the opposite gender are not transgendered even though they become homosexuals. Less than 20% of the individual who are persistent about their opposite sex identities often prefer being called by a pronoun or a name steady to their gender identity. Their attire, comrades and activities match up with that distinctiveness. Their utmost apprehension is the puberty as it brings along the irrevocable change i.e. secondary sexual characteristics. These are however undesired and turn the patients body into an adult form “synchronous. ”  in relation to the brain and hence the patient feels nervousness, trauma and despair. Added to this, when incase of females with male gender identity, when menses takes it roll as a reminder of their female sex, a self-offensive behavior leading to as found by the research, the high suicidal rate among transgendered youth. “Adult transgendered.” folks, who perceive to acknowledgement of their gender role in open, often indulge in courtships and parenthood with their identical gender identity.

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