Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The teachings of Islam

The self-image presentations laid by U.S media made us believe the people in Middle East are primarily to be the identity of Muslims who are fanatic to Islam. Perhaps this is misleading the global population because Middle East is majorly composed of multi cultural society and religions. Somewhere due to media the identities of Middle East have been lost. An Arabic word “Islam” means ‘Submission to God’ so a Muslim is someone who has submitted himself to God. The God is “Allah”. So why aren’t Muslims like Jews and Christians? Why are they different from them?
                Quran is the Holy Book for Muslim which was brought down to them by Holy Prophet Muhammad. Quran says a lot about Prophets from which Muhammad claimed himself one. But some men have special missions they are given Scared Books and also the founder of sacred communities. Such as, Moses who also brought a Book called ‘Torah’ and then became the founder of Jews. Even Jesus who brought the book called ‘Gospel’ and then founded the community of Christians. Each of these community was sent by Allah but failed for humanity but then Allah had his Last messenger with the His last book with the community of Muslims; Islam. It isn’t that the successors are Muslims and the failed communities are Christians and Jews. The main point here is that Islam is the more refined from of Judaism and Christianity. Many changes have been made in the Bible and Torah but Quran is same since its creation it is the only original book for Muslims to follow their lives and act according to it. Christians and Jews culture and practices are very much different from a Muslim. As they books are different so there is lot religious belief diversity. The self-image presentations laid by U.S media made us believe the people in Middle East are primarily to be the identity of Muslims who are fanatic to Islam. Perhaps this is misleading the global population because Middle East is majorly composed of multi cultural society and religions. Somewhere due to media the identities of Middle East have been lost. An Arabic word “Islam” means ‘Submission to God’ so a Muslim is someone who has submitted himself to God. The God is “Allah”. So why aren’t Muslims like Jews and Christians? Why are they different from them?
                Quran is the Holy Book for Muslim which was brought down to them by Holy Prophet Muhammad. Quran says a lot about Prophets from which Muhammad claimed himself one. But some men have special missions they are given Scared Books and also the founder of sacred communities. Such as, Moses who also brought a Book called ‘Torah’ and then became the founder of Jews. Even Jesus who brought the book called ‘Gospel’ and then founded the community of Christians. Each of these community was sent by Allah but failed for humanity but then Allah had his Last messenger with the His last book with the community of Muslims; Islam. It isn’t that the successors are Muslims and the failed communities are Christians and Jews. The main point here is that Islam is the more refined from of Judaism and Christianity. Many changes have been made in the Bible and Torah but Quran is same since its creation it is the only original book for Muslims to follow their lives and act according to it. Christians and Jews culture and practices are very much different from a Muslim. As they books are different so there is lot religious belief diversity.
The Muslim American Communities are at their crucial point because they are scared for the future of Muslims. But this fear can’t stop the growing range of Islam spreading everywhere. Islam is the fastest growing religion ever. Muslims in America are always discriminated and oppressed. After the catastrophic events like September 11, 2001 has further exaggerated and jeopardized the potential of being a Muslim in America.
In Britain the Muslims are surprisingly well incorporated with one other. As there are many Muslims from different country and community living together pleasantly in London than any other city around the world. The fundamental element of that incorporation among Muslims is the capability to project a distinctive Muslim religious identity over or above any other culture or ethnic.  For wider community is the problem of unlike fashion, food, literature and art is in undividable. It is not like that Muslims do not have a lot to confer with Christians, Humanists and Jews. Muslims now have a major area in any religious debate in Britain. But consistently a person defines integration as to which extent the culture has been mutual and wrapped up; from a popular entertainment it is to add tastes in narcotics. In Britain Islam has now become a more shareable culture in a narrow sense that most people in Britain now say something about it and that adaptation to Islam is not abnormal but it is not likely a cultural source from which people can take in as they gratify.
                It is a fact that Islam first came to Southeast Asia most likely from India and further more spread in many places by Sufis which had much to do with spiritual quality of the faith and its acceptance for coexistence with past Hindu, Buddhist and animist’s rituals. Such as they had in India and Middle East the Sufis who spread Islam in Southeast Asia had diverse widely in
behavior and approach. Most believed by those who follow them to have supernatural powers and virtually all Sufis recognized school and mosque center from which they travel in neighboring places to advocate the belief.

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