Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Organizational Ethics

The principal importance of the human resides in the person’s character as long as that personality is truly ‘Alive’.  Similar is true for organizations like businesses, churches, clubs, unions, guilds, affinity groups, fraternities political parties, non-profit organizations, charities, families and etc. Their life and measures provide value interested in themselves. Ever since the 21st Century it is becoming increasingly complex; ethics have developed into more and more multifarious as well.  No longer be able to be done without a huge amount of careful concern.  Relations are extremely complex and fragile.  As we exist and make effort in very secure and rapid proximity.  Care should be taken.  A healthy and sound personal ethical consciousness in all contexts is a type of protective maintenance for relations.
                Guaranteeing employees indulgent of organization's values and visions involve to have clearly defined personal values. Defining personal values is more than placing words on a paper.  Most organization includes values statements or mission statements, however many of them do not follow them.
                Nike does not have factories and it does not tie up cash in construction and manufacturing employees. This formulates it a very lean organization. Nike is strong at exploring and at developmental as it indicates by evolvement and innovative product variety. Then manufacture wherever they can manufacture high excellence product at the lowly possible price. And it prices increase then products can be made more inexpensively elsewhere Nike will shift production.
                            Nike is majorly exposed to the worldwide nature of traffic. It buys and sells in diverse currencies and as a result margins and costs are not constant over long period of time. Such an exposure might mean that Nike may be industrialized and/or selling at a trouncing. This is a problem which is faced by all global brands. And the threats are the weakness of any organization. As an organization, Nike has been the leading attendance in the athletic apparel manufacturing globally. Although they were not the only organization which is known to practice unethical manufacturing process, they were the main mark of criticism because of their management role. And to fight back beside the negative publicity Nike changed many working circumstances and practices, agreed for self-governing audits by very highly regarded individuals in the industry.

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