Thursday, November 4, 2010

Women rights and expectations in Islam

                        In a society, the status of women is not fully matured neither is it a clean issue. On the other hand the situation of Islam in the world has been laid by least neutrality. This paper enlightens the rights and expectations of women in Islam.
                    Islam has provided women human rights to be equal to a man and be his partner in life. Allah has created women as the same soul as man. The famous story of Adam and Eve in Bible, Quran doesnot blame eve but both Adam and Eve that they were tempted and commited a sin but then were forgiven. Islam has given a unique individuality to a women. They are independent and responsible. Responsible for herself and for other as same being for male and will be rewarded or punished in the Hereafter, and will not face and gender discrimination.
                    With Human rights, civil rights are also given to women in Islam. Islam doesnot say that a women has to change her father’s name to her husband’s name for marriage, a women is recognized by her own identity. A women in Islam has always the right to reject or accept any proposal, even has the right for divorce accordingly done by Islamic Laws.
                   This is can only be a misconception that Muslim women are not allowed to step outside their homes. But Islam gives permission to Muslim women to go outside and do work and meet their relatives. There wont be no objection on them for going out of their house as they are speaking and dressing accordinlgly as mentioned in Islamic guidelines. Islam has given equal right to a man and woman to attain education. Allah has always encouraged learning in women. Religious knowledge has always been given the first reference and other knowledge after that. And a husband is not allowed to stop his wife in getting basic religious from knowledge outside home.
                    In Islam a husband should never deny a women who wants to go to mosque to pray but in Quran Allah has said it is better for a women to stay at home and pray as it will also keep her away from unnecessary mixing up with man in mosque. It is true that Islam treat a man and woman equally plus Islam has given equal rights to both of them but the rights are not identical as they differ.  It makes sense that equality and resemblance is quite different, another fact that man and woman are physically different but get equal to each other in important ways.
                  The importance and significance of women in Islam and their true worth of being human is categorized differently. It is recognized by their fear of Allah and their obedience towards Him. Meanwhile Islam is the most practical religious and understands the different situations and need of a human. As many Muslim women also want to work for having different reasons. Although Islam doesn’t prohibit of women working but a working women should always follow the Islamic restrictions to safeguard the honour and dignity of them being women. They should protect the firmness of  Islamic Society.
                  Nowadays as western culture is more dominant and so is the western dressing. In western culture covering is more likely to be low self esteem and people think in a way that you have something you are ashamed of as dressing seem to be more open-minded. And in Islam Muslim women is to stay away from prying eyes. In Islamic Culture, woman is the one who carries the burden and responsibility of family.
                 The Muslim who live in different societies for example in European Society, Muslims traditional ways of doing things like marriages becomes under pressure because young women wants to marry of their choice rather a cousin who is coming from abroad. A Muslim women always feel pushed around everywhere in all the directions, they are even assumed to be too much of Europeanized sometimes amongst their community.
             Biggest challenge faced by any Muslim Women is socioeconomic. For example, Britain from the rating of ten only has two percent Muslim women who are being paid for work and they have the worst health from the general population. It mostly happens with Muslim Women that they lack at having education and no qualifications at all expect for a few.  According to a report of England in Whales, published in February 2001, Muslims were the ones who constantly reported of unfair treatment on higher level apart from other groups. The report was considering every aspect like accommodation, employment, education, law and order.
             Not a lot but quite a few women in Muslim societies have become famouse phenomenal political leaders. The relatives of Propht Muhammad who were female particuartly became important as they knew how to practice teachings. Through father and husband the rest of the women came into knowledge.                        
            Few examples are; the favoured wife of Muhammad, Aisha who participated in the Battle of Camel and was a prominent political actor. The famous 13th Century ruler of India, Razia. The 16th Century Queen of Zaria, Amina presently in Nigeria. In Ottomon Empire was a period called ‘ sultunate of women’ in 17th Century when a lot of women had more power on affairs of state.
              Islam being very similar to many religions of this world is spreading enormously due to some of it unique acts. Many western believes that Islam restricts women but now it has been proved wrong because Islam gives more rights to women which were never enjoyed in 19th Century. 

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