Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kind of Weird..

After 9/11 there was a hype that was created that Muslims are terrorists and they should be stopped. That a south Asian Muslim is a threat to world stability and that American action in Afghanistan is necessary and so is extra security in USA. It was the age of unwarranted arrests and extremist crackdown. It’s almost been 9 years now and the image of a typical Pakistani Muslim remains the same. A new idea of Islamophobia is spreading like wildfire in the western society. Muslims are seen as intolerant and uneducated brutes who only want death; people think that Muslims want to push the world back into the dark ages.
Why is it that whatever we say or believe is so wrongly portrayed everywhere. Why is it that France says that racism does not exists in their country but ban woman from wearing a BURKA? Don’t nuns wear headscarves to cover their hair? Are they also being unjustly treated? Are they also being oppressed? Also is growing a beard a sign of a radical terrorist? Then I think Jewish rabbis should be given free razors and shaving machines. Weird thing is that any inhumane action that occurs in Pakistan is automatically a HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION but if a girl is raped in the USA it isn’t! What I don’t get is that no matter what we do, we end up being evil monsters! Really!! This has to stop. I am a typical Pakistani student and I know with the limited set of resources what the global political situation and real scenario is. But a highly evolved developed member of a western society tends to see and believe only what the media portray! Oh the funniest thing that I can think of is that in the end the US society, right now is behaving as if we are a sort of a disease that is plaguing earth and that eradicating us is a necessity! It’s kind of like the NAZI regime persecuting the Jews in World War 2, and justifying their actions as a necessity for world peace and righteousness. Now we just replace the Nazis with USA and the Jews with Muslims! Kind of Weird!!

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