Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Veil

Veil is an essential identity or a part of Muslim women in Islam. It is an element in a Muslim women’s life without it she can never be complete. And in West, Non Muslims recognize Muslim women because of her veil but the gist and use of veil varies in Muslim Societies.
                                Quran mentions and directs men and women both to dress in a way which is modest. The definite understanding and execution of this firm guide line varies. From historical point of view this veil has always been connected to social issue but not to religion. Veil was first formerly adopted in Byzantine and Persian pre-Islamic customs. Nevertheless the elite women never adopted such custom but the poor and inferior class adopted it.
                                Islamic Culture differs head covering that is ‘Hijab.’ Ranging toward movable scarves and then to veils plus covered in full-length called ‘Burqa’ was from Afghani Women. A new dress also came in known as ‘Islamic Dress,’ consisted of a coat which was quite loose and a scarf to cover the hair. Today covering the face isn’t that common but it was before very popular. In fact, head covering is just not in Islam but in many other religions but they do it in special ways. The rules of veil are different in every country. While in this period, countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran emphasizes this religious course towards particular government so that women’s dress should remain within strict laws. While Turkey and Tunisia reject such laws and religious orientation. They prohibit women to wear veil publically such as in offices or schools or universities because a state like Turkey is more of a secular identity. Even the citizens are again such trends.
                                Mostly women do veil on personal grounds now not by enforcement or some law that is mostly in many cases which is happening today.
                A lot of States still think that Islam oppresses and suppresses women for their rights, they are forced to wear veil and prohibits receiving education. It is also quite true that many women have been fighting for fair treatment and for education and independent but it is not coming because of Islam; it is due to some tradition or culture of few regions as they have made their false Islamic beliefs.

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