Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Social Responsibility and Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning defines objectives that assess both in external and internal situation by formulating the strategy, implementing strategy, evaluating strategy and making adjustments as necessary to reside on a track in the firm.
            Basically Strategic Planning is an overall planning which facilitate a good management in a process. It takes you on an outer surface from daily activities of your association or a project. Strategic Planning provides you the bigger picture of what you are capable of doing and where you will lead to. Strategic planning also gives you clearness about what you want to achieve and how to achieve it.
            Decisions by smart businesses are not just a subject of including short-term money. Decision-makers who are wise enough will always look down the way at the impact today’s choices will have on tomorrow towards the people, on the opinions of customers and on the community. Social Responsibility is an obligation of any organization's management to the interests and welfare of the society which will provide the resources and environment so that it can survive and grow which can be affected by the organization's dealings and policies.
            Appropriate planning approach consists of issue based or goal based planning model in which time, budget and resources are taken into account. It first develops them, then monitors or reviews them and then updates the plan.
            Strategic Planning is the backbone of any organization. Strong planning leads to the achievement of organization’s mission. Similarly, increased globalization and competition has resulted in organizations be more socially and environmentally responsible.

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